Decorative Window Film at a Hotel in Berkeley, California

Feb 2, 2022 2:13:23 PM

Project Details


Berkeley, California

Type of Film:

Decorative Window Film

Square Feet of Project:


Installation Time:

7 days

Decorative Window Film in Berkeley, California

Business owners and hospitality professionals, did you know that there are window films available to help prevent birds from running into glass? Well, there is! Solar Art gets many calls from business owners and professionals in the hospitality industry regarding birds running into their windows and they aren’t sure if there is a way to fix this issue. Keep reading to learn more about an installation where we installed decorative window film at a Residence Inn in Berkeley, California, to help with just this!

Solar Art's Goals

Solar Art’s goals for this project were to meet with the project manager at the hotel to get more insight into the project and learn what issues they were hoping to be resolved with the window film. In order to accomplish this, one of our sales representatives met with the project manager at the hotel to get more details. While onsite, the project manager explained that they have recently experienced many birds flying into their glass. They were looking for a way to prevent this from continuing to happen.

Decorative Window Film in Berkeley, California

Solar Art's Suggestion:

After meeting with the project manager and learning more about the scope of work and what they were trying to accomplish, our sales representative was ready to make a few suggestions. There is window film available on the market designed specifically to distract birds from the glass and prevent them from flying into it. Since the customer expressed interest in bird distraction window film, our sales representative suggested a window film called Feather Friendly-Symmetry. It’s a decorative window film that has a pattern to distract birds and draw awareness to the glass in hopes that they don’t fly into it.

What the Customer Chose

After working with our sales representative and hearing his suggestions for this scope of work, the customer was ready to make a decision. They chose to take our sales representative's suggestion and move forward with the Feather Friendly-Symmetry window film for the hotel. This decorative window film is installed directly onto glass surfaces and is a cost-effective and easy solution to the problem this hotel was facing. If the hotel decides they no longer want the decorative window film on their glass, all they have to do is call Solar Art up and get a quote to remove it and our team can go onsite and remove it with no damage to the glass!

Results of the Window Film Installation

This installation ended up being 3,314 square feet and took a team of two installers seven days to complete. Overall, Solar Art was pleased with how this installation turned out. It was a big project, and we were able to successfully help the hotel distract birds so that they don’t fly into their glass. In addition to bird distraction window film and decorative window film, Solar Art also services solar film, custom graphics, security film, and anti-graffiti film. If you are interested in learning more about bird distraction window film or decorative window film, click the button below to start working with the Solar Art team!


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