Energy Efficient Upgrades For Your Home

October 1, 2018

Energy Efficient Home Ideas

Energy efficient home ideas

Energy efficient homes and the going green movement are becoming more and more popular. With that being said, it is also becoming easier to do. Solar Art helps make homes more energy efficient everyday, so we came up with a few easy upgrades to make your home energy efficient:

Insulation rebates for your home 

In recent news, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has unveiled new energy rebates for homes with insulation installed in attics. The hot south land summers hike the cooling energy needs through the roof at peak times of the day and this means we all suffer as the energy grid struggles to keep up.

Insulation rebates are meant to lower the energy grid stress by ensuring as much of the cool air is kept in the home as possible. Attic insulation can go a long way towards buffering the home against the heat outside while trapping cool air inside. Not only will this help the entire city of Los Angeles, but it will save homeowners money by using the AC less while getting rebates on top of it. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Window film makes homes energy efficient

Window film makes homes energy efficient

Roofs aren’t the only area we lose energy to during the summer. According the Department of Energy, “improving your windows’ efficiency may be the most cost effective option money on energy costs.” You can easily improve the efficiency of your windows by installing heat reducing solar film. Solar films, like those offered by Solar Art, work by blocking the sun’s light coming through your windows without changing the appearance. Conveniently, window film can improve cooling performance while also qualifying your home for energy rebates. Finally, window film is the first window attachment to be rated by the National Fenestration Rating Council to help homeowners determine which window film best suits their specific energy-saving needs. Window film is rapidly becoming a more widely-known treatment for enhancing windows’ energy efficiency.

LA is known for its beautiful, sunny days and there’s no reason that its weather should be so expensive. The insulation rebates enacted by the LADWP is a great step toward saving homeowners money throughout Los Angeles. When homeowners are considering ways to reduce heat in their home and save money, they should consider both keeping the cool air in with insulation and also keeping the heat out of their homes with window film. Window film is a great way to help attic insulation work more efficiently and make our homes more comfortable.

Install solar panels to make your home energy efficient

Solar panels to make your home energy efficient

Solar panels are a newer product, but don't be skeptical, they really reduce energy savings in your home! Now, the amount of energy savings depends on a few different factors, like how much direct sunlight your home gets, the shape of your roof and how much you are spending on electricity every year. According to Energy Sage, over a 20 year electricity savings, you can save anywhere from $10,000-$30,000 and will greatly reduce your carbon footprint. 

Solar Art Window Film

So there you have it. Three simple and affordable upgrades for your home that will all make it more energy efficient. Solar Art helps our customers make their homes more energy efficient everyday with solar film. If you think solar film is a good fit for your home, contact Solar Art today for a free quote! 

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