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Solar Art Employee Spotlight - Meet Chris Cunningham

Written by Matthew Darienzo | August 4, 2023

We are excited to shine a spotlight on one of the outstanding members of the Solar Art team, Chris Cunningham, who has been an integral part of our family for the past 5 years. As the National Operations and Product Manager, Chris plays a pivotal role in driving our operations forward and ensuring our products are of the highest quality. But beyond his impressive professional accomplishments, Chris brings a vibrant energy and a deep sense of camaraderie to our workplace.

Connecting Through Culture: A Strong Bond at Solar Art

When asked about his favorite aspect of working at Solar Art, Chris points to the company culture and the people he gets to work with every day. Our team at Solar Art takes pride in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, and it's no surprise that Chris feels right at home here. He truly values the genuine relationships he has built with his colleagues, creating a workplace that feels more like a second family.

As National Operations and Product Manager, Chris leads by example, setting a high standard for teamwork and collaboration. His ability to connect with others on a personal level has a significant impact on the positive work culture we cherish at Solar Art.

Balancing Work and Play: Hobbies That Fuel Chris's Passion

Outside of his busy work schedule, Chris enjoys a diverse range of hobbies that keep him energized and fulfilled. Golf, sporting events, and spending quality time with his kids are just a few of the activities that bring him joy and help him maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Golf has become more than just a hobby for Chris—it's also an opportunity to uphold one of Solar Art's core values: “Be Excellent Together”. Chris has utilized the company perk, “We Not Me”, to play golf on multiple occasions, taking advantage of the opportunity to connect with friends and colleagues outside the office. These moments on the green not only strengthen existing relationships but also lay the groundwork for new connections that contribute to a more harmonious work environment.

Fueling Curiosity: A Love for Historical Documentaries

One of Chris's lesser-known interests is his passion for historical documentaries. Whether it's ancient civilizations, pivotal moments in history, or the biographies of remarkable individuals, Chris finds inspiration and learning in the stories of the past. This inquisitive nature and thirst for knowledge also benefit his role at Solar Art, as he constantly seeks innovative ways to improve operations and product offerings.

Empowering the Future

As Solar Art continues to thrive in the industry, we recognize that it is our employees who are the driving force behind our success. Chris Cunningham's dedication, positivity, and commitment to fostering a strong team dynamic exemplify the kind of employee we are proud to have on board.

So here's to you, Chris! Thank you for your hard work and unwavering enthusiasm. Your presence at Solar Art has enriched the lives of those around you, and we look forward to many more years of shared achievements and camaraderie.

Stay tuned for more Employee Spotlights as we celebrate the incredible individuals who make Solar Art shine.