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3 Reasons Your Hardwood Floors are Fading

Written by Solar Art | April 17, 2018

Why are your hardwood floors fading?

1. UVA and UVB rays

2. Infrared heat

3. Sunlight

Why are your hardwood floors fading?

Hardwood floors are beautiful and can easily be the focal point of a room. Unfortunately, if they’re not cared for properly, they will start to fade and discolor. Fortunately, sun fading can be reduced by simply installing window film. Windows are meant to help keep rooms from feeling stuffy and cramped, but they can also be the downfall of your hardwood flooring. Here at Solar Art we get calls regarding sun fading floors, furniture and valuable belongings nearly everyday. What a lot of people don't realize is there are actually three main reasons behind why the sun fades your floors:

1. UVA and UVB rays causes sun fading

UV rays are those same rays that burn your skin when you get too much sun. UVA and UVB rays can also be very harsh on wood flooring. In fact, they’re the biggest culprit of why your hardwood floors are fading. We’ve all seen weathered gray wood on old buildings, which is caused mostly by sunlight. While it is a slower process than a raw piece of wood outdoors, your hardwood floors that are treated and sealed, are still affected by UVA and UVB rays. Not only is the wood itself susceptible to color changing, the finish used on the wood may also be affected. If you notice the flooring turning yellow or gradually darkening, your floor finish is at fault. All window film, regardless if it's solar film, decorative window film, anti graffiti film or security window film will block 99% of those harmful UVA and UVB rays and can help prevent this type of sun fading. It has the added benefit of allowing you and your family to hang out in a room on sunny days without worrying about damaging your skin or your valuable belongings.

2. Infrared heat and sun fading

Infrared heat is a little different from UVA and UVB rays, but also causes sun fading. While it isn’t quite as problematic as UVA and UVB rays rays, infrared heat can be a pain to deal with. Not only does it contribute to the changing colors of your hardwood floors, it can also drive your energy prices up.

The issue here is that sunlight enters the home and bounces around, while the glass windows keep the heat inside. On a cold day, you may want this, however, throughout the summer you end up with an overheated space that no one wants to spend time in. Turning to the air conditioning as a solution will drive your electric bill up and won't eliminate the potential sun fading to the flooring. Solar film or decorative window film can help keep the excess heat out of the room while keeping your electricity bill down and not changing the look of your home. 

3. Sunlight leading to sun fading

Even if you have UV treated wood floors that are heat resistant, it won't fully protect against sun fading. It is possible to keep this at bay by drawing heavy curtains, or simply having a windowless room, but that defeats the purpose of having windows in the first place. Solar film or decorative window film can help reduce heat, reduce glare, block against those harmful rays and still allow in natural light.

Solar Art Window Film

Window film is an easy and affordable solution to protecting your floors from sun fading. Window film comes in a wide variety of options and can provide additional privacy, as well as protection for your home. The window film reflects heat away from the building before it can even get inside. If you are tired of your hardwood floors and other furniture being faded from the sun and are interested in getting solar film installed to your home or office, reach out to Solar Art today!

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